Geir Helge Solevåg

Nature Photography
Welcome fellow photographers, collectors and anyone else who might find my work interesting. Here you’ll find learning resources, photos, posts on photo trips, password protected content of NFT´s, and much more.
Whether you're a collector, nature enthusiast, beginner or experienced photographer, this website is a place to learn, explore, and inspiration to connect with others who share a love for nature. Here you will find tips and tricks about photography in general, and abut nature photography in particular. The site is growing and more content will be added. NFT holders have access to restricted areas of the site.
Visual Vault Photography
Fine Art NFT´S
Collect and support
Buing any of my NFT´s grants ownership to a unique pice of art, of which only one copy exists on the blockchain. Holders are awarded with access to different files and information related to the art piece and to restricted parts of my web page.
Rewarding loyal investors
Holders of 2 or more of my NFTs from my collection "Surrounded" are invited to spend a day photographing with me in my home town.
Guidance to aspiring photographers
Any visitor of my site is allowed access to my best advice to advance as a photographer. One of the secrets of making good pictures is having a set of rules to guide your creativity. Check out "Learning" from the top menu.